Thursday, August 28, 2008

Stay Tuned!!!

Greetings, dear readers. Maybe you've noticed I haven't updated in a while...(hopefully someone has noticed). Well, I'm back, and over the next few days I plan to be adding more posts on a variety of topics. I have a full's just a matter of developing some of the topics a little more fully.

Some things I plan to talk about:

1) My Uncle Brooks (Garland Brooks Turner), a World War I veteran who lived to tell about his own funeral.

2) Reflections on the presidential campaign and my feelings about some of the issues (including "climate change", terrorism and the hunt for Bin Laden, health care, the war in Iraq, etc.). Should be fun!

3) Flannery O'Connor -- world renowned author and local Milledgeville resident, who died much too young of complications from lupus. I want to talk about the author personally and analyze some of her work I think will interest you.

4) An update on my journey of working out, eating right, losing weight and getting back into shape nearly 10 months in. If I can do it, you probably can too.

5) My renewed determination to establish myself (or, I guess I should say, re-establish myself) as an artist.

6) My fascination with the world of online audio sources, from podcasts to Pandora, from audiobooks for purchase at to free audiobooks at Librivox and Podiobooks.

These and many other interesting topics will be showing up here at the blog very soon. So...stay tuned!

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