Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Happy Birthday David Jeremiah Garcia!!!

My first grandson is one year old today! It's hard to believe. The joy he has brought into our lives is indescribable, and I can't imagine a world without him. We'll have a party on February 9th (yeah...I know, but we tend to draw birthdays out for weeks around here).

FELIZ PRIMERO CUMPLEAÑOS!!! Mi Davidito, ¡te amo mucho!

~ Tu Papa


Anonymous said...

David is soooooo cute! Happy first birthday, little one!

Bratfink said...

What a cutie! Happy Birthday, David!

Rambling Judy said...

He's so precious. Give him lots of hugs and kisses for me.

Colleen said...

A very Happy Birthday to David and much love and happiness to you all.

He shares a birthday with our little angel Carol Elizabeth.

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